Micro Adventure Week.

Lake District


Last week was micro-adventure week. 

More specifically, a test-new-Adventure-Spec-gear micro adventure week. 

Now, it's not often that you find yourself praying for rain before heading out for three days on the bike, but when the job is to put new waterproof gear through the ringer, the last thing you want is wall to wall sunshine. 

Thankfully the heavens did not disappoint and we were graced with some of the most grim, all day rain that helps make the 'lakes' in the Lake District. 

Myself, Chris and Rupert did our best to find the limits of the new gear, and encountered just enough calamities to feel like we'd skirted with disaster and got home with some pretty adventurous memories... mostly but not totally in one piece. 

In the next few posts you will have discovered how the new waterproof Singletrack Pant fared in pretty grim conditions (along with the also-new Gravel Jacket and Pant), what it's like jumping from the GasGas 700ES to the Honda CRF300L on road and trails, how to rough it without a tent even in the rain, as well as all the small gear discoveries that came as a total surprise to me whilst spending time in my underwear with new riders. 

Oh, and how Rupert managed to almost break himself and his bike in two entirely unrelated moments of drama. 


Greg Villalobos


This story was first published in our email Newsletter. Subscribe now for the most ADV email you will get all week!


RallyMoto. 500km. No gates. Almost.
Honing their ‘500’ events for about 5 years