When you buy your brand new adventure bike you probably aren't going to notice the mirrors. Why would you when the rest of it is so shiny and full of adventure potential?
But, if you're going to use the bike for anything more than a ride to the local coffee shop you'll sure notice the OEM mirrors after the first time you drop the bike. Probably you're going to notice that they aren't there any more.
If you're really unlucky you're also going to notice that the master cylinder that the mirror is screwed into is also smashed. Oh dear.
Swapping out OEM for Double Take mirrors is one of the first things we do with all our Adventure Spec bikes. We're going to ride these bikes hard and we're going to drop them. Double Take mirrors are virtually indestructible. They come in three options so you're covered whatever you ride.
Designed for maximum view
Designed to be folded in
Designed to stay out of the way